Matlab Code Efficiency

Matlab Code Efficiency Report: Download (640 KB, PDF) Abstract: A recent publication found that small classes in C# typically outperform large ones in C#. However, many such structures are considered in different projects. This Paper discusses the reasons why some small and often higher-level constructs might not be truly practical in C#. Overall, however, a number of small C# bugs seem to strike more elegantly in some C# code than others. The paper defines our group of bugs as being small and is reviewed to find out if they deserve a greater focus. This paper shows that small constructs are often called big in C#. Therefore, in certain projects, it would probably be better to include some small and sometimes higher-level classes with smaller or even more powerful unit tests. References: Anderson, M. L., & De Jong, G. C. (2000) Language class methods, enumerable types, and implicit conversions. Enum. 1 1 (1): 52-57. Baker, J. D., & Smith, D. S. J. (1996). Implementing Code with Low-Level Classes. Journal of C# 5 1 : 129-138. Cedlar, S. J., & Hillman, K. D. (2000). Testable C# Types with Low-Level